
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

True X-ray Mobility

The founders of the Swedish company Solutions for tomorrow didn’t believe that the term “mobile X-ray” described the reality. With their new mobile X-ray equipment – where both the size and the charging time of the batteries have been minimized – they hope to set a new industry standard.

- Together we have more than 40 years experience of this industry, says Mattias Guldstrand, CEO and one of the founders of Solutions for tomorrow. Mattias and his partners Martin Yngvesson (COO) and Jan-Olov Lundström (CTO) decided to develop an X-ray equipment that was mobile – for real. The smallest and lightest X-ray unit in the market was launched at the ECR congress a year ago.
- Despite the fact that we only presented a prototype at ECR, the interest it generated was enormous. Whatever doubts we might have had about the direction we were heading, were erased at that time. We felt that this was something the industry had been waiting for.

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